
Fwsim firetek
Fwsim firetek

fwsim firetek

  • When installing FWsim for the first time, “snap cues to other cues” is activated.
  • FWsim now closes correctly before running an automatic update.
  • When installing FWsim for the first time, video quality is set to Very High.
  • Video export produces slightly bigger files with slighly higher quality.
  • Instead, they now pop up to be adjusted before each video export.
  • Video export settings were removed from the Preferences window.
  • If you’re uploading to YouTube, we recommend selecting 4K.
  • Bugfix: Label Export preview image not showing.
  • Bugfix: Fixed a crash that would occur when using extremely large numbers of fireworks with lots of sparks.
  • fwsim firetek

    However, this did not work correctly when the building was scaled up or down in the 3D world editor.

  • Bugfix: Usually, fireworks automatically jump to the correct height when dragged over buildings.
  • Better error messages in several places.
  • Now, in both cases a lock is applied automatically. However, when channels on a stepper were changed, no lock was applied.
  • Fixed inconsistent behaviour: Previously, when changing the channel of a single shot manually, the channel was locked.
  • Fixed crash when table view is open and another show is opened.
  • fwsim firetek

  • Fixed error message when selecting both a single firework and a stepper in the timeline, and clicking “Change Firework”.
  • The tab headers in the sidebar are now all visible at the same time, without the need to click around to see them all.
  • The functionality “Snap cues to other cues” is now OFF by default on new installations.
  • Fixed rare crash when loading particular 3D models.
  • You can also change the units in the preferences. This is automatically detected from your operating system settings.
  • Support for imperial distance units (all measurements in feet instead of meters).
  • On some systems, distance measurements would be in Imperial units even though “Metric” was selected in the preferences.
  • fwsim firetek

    “License info and upgrade” in Help menu.Make sure you are using the most recent version.This changelog is for the old FWsim 2 version. In FWsim, cick "Tools" -> "Online Effects Database" in the menu. You need the full version of FWsim to download these effects.

    Fwsim firetek