Snapper’s success made it a prime takeover target beginning in the 1990s. By 1967 Snapper sales were $10 million and by 1987 annual sales had increased to $260 million. Smith registered the Snapper name as a company trademark and sales steadily grew. This was the ‘snapping’ blade I mentioned earlier. He had his engineers come up with a unique type of blade that he then patented and used as a marketing tool. Smith recognized the perilous state of the local lumber industry and decided to add lawn mowers to the company’s product line.

When the lumber industry in Georgia began to decline in the 1940s the saw mill was purchased by a man named William Smith. In time it changed its name to McDonough Power Company, though it kept its focus on lumber production.

The company that would eventually produce and sell Snapper lawn mowers was founded in McDonough, Georgia in 1894 as the Southern Saw Works.